Summary of Day 2 Session 1
- You attitude in welcoming others and Jesus will make a big difference.
- Going to church or meeting people won’t change anything. Jesus coming in your life bring supernatural work of God in your life.
- Sitting and listening at Lord’s feet makes a big difference.
- You presence at Lord’s feet is more important that what you give.
- Many have Jesus at home but their life is distracted.
- Complaining shows our distraction and lack of sitting at Jesus feet.
- When somethings ends in joy then God takes glory and victory.
- When something end in fight and strife then enemy has taken victory.
- Jesus will never become a problem after being invited. If you feel so then Jesus has the solution.
- Sometimes God allows situation in our to reveal himself. Martha and Thomas only knew as a healer. But death and resurrection of Lazarus proved that Jesus can raise the dead.
- People who have experienced resurrection power should be different.
Summary of Day 2 Session 2
- Resurrection is fundamental to a Christian.
- We should have hope of resurrection in our life.
- After resurrection we will have glorious body.
- Just like the birth of a person, resurrection will also be a display of the supernatural work of God.
- We have a bright future
- We should ask God for wisdom before reading the Bible.
- God observes and listens to our speech.
- We need to believe in God irrespective of our circumstances.
- God gives promise and fulfills them.